Hinduism Reflection

Hinduism Presentation


I was in eighth grade during religion while I made this. I chose this religion because I thought that it might be interesting. I was very proud of the Gods that we put into the slides. The most challenging part was getting the names right because there are so many different pronunciations. I learned to make sure I’m right when I pronounce which took research. I would make more slides if I could do it again because there is so much more to say about it.

That’s A Wrap: Pentecost “Deleted Scenes”

Hello! my name is Jacob Duitsman, I am currently in eighth grade and go to Lincoln Lutheran middle school. I decided to make this video like I did because My group and I wanted to create a serious feeling yet let you enjoy it. I thought our best part of the project was when we were walking and talking about the death of Jesus. I thought that the most challenging part of this project as you may see is when we were in the gym and there were many people and loud voices which made it hard to film at certain points. if I could do the project over again I would probably have put some more information into the video and made it longer.

Narnia Final Reflection

Narnia Final Reflection 

By: Jacob Duitsman 

         Aslan and God are alike because they both are extremely nice and forgiving this is shown when Aslan forgave Edmund when he betrayed him. God forgave Jonah even though he ran away and jumped into the ocean. God forgave just like Aslan. “And the Lord spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah out upon the dry land.”‭‭Jonah‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭- Jonah prayed and repented. God forgave. Edmund felt terrible and asked for forgiveness and Aslan did forgive him.

  Edmund is like Adam, when Adam ate the apple he betrayed God. Edmund betrayed Aslan by telling the witch where Aslan was. The only difference between them is that Edmund didn’t know that he was doing something wrong while Adam was told not to do that. They were both tempted to do certain things. Adam was tempted to eat an apple, while Edmund was tempted in order to bring his family to the which.     

        Aslan also died when he sacrificed himself for everyone’s life the same as God did when he died on the cross for our sins. They both rose again and saved all.  Without this the entire Bible wouldn’t matter and our faith wouldn’t matter. When Aslan died for   what he believed in. He saved Edmund which made the prophecy be able to come true, and save Narnia!

I feel that I am like Edmund because I am always being tempted to do the wrong thing just like Edmund was by the witch. We can’t always have our guard up and that’s why we need God.


Advice on running your website

Congratulations, you now have a website. You might be wondering, “Why do I have a website?” That’s a question for a different post. Of course, having a website is a little bit of a responsibility. Here are some things that you should keep in mind now that you have one.

  • Don’t post information that is too personal on your website. You shouldn’t post your address or phone number. You shouldn’t post anything that you would be upset about if everyone in the school (or the world) found out about.
  • Give people a little context before you start writing. You might start a post off with something like this, “This post is a reflection on the third chapter of John Steinbeck’s novel, Of Mice and Men. I wrote this when I was in 10th grade for English class.”
  • People will eventually comment on things that you put on your website. If the comment looks like spam, you should delete it. If you don’t delete it, you will get a lot more spam. They target people who do not delete spam. If a comment isn’t nice, you should delete it too. You want your website to be a nice spot to visit.
  • Try to avoid being negative. If there’s something that you want to write about and it sounds like a complaint, why not try to write it as a suggestion on how something can be improved instead. I’m sure you get bonus points every time your website makes the world a better place.
  • Be a little bit selective about what you decide to put on your website. It should be a little more professional than Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
  • What you write is more important than how your website looks, but having a good looking website says something to your visitors too. If you need help with your website, ask someone who has a nice looking website. Or you can ask at help.lincolnlutheran.org. You can also stop by the Tech Center.
  • How you classify posts is important. Always click on a Class and Grade before you post. If it applies, click on one or more Categories and Interests as well. This will help other people find what they are looking for on your site.
  • You can add other Interests (or delete some). You do that from the Posts menu. You can also add Classes. In fact, you’ll have to. Pro Tip: You can say item they should appear under by setting the Parent item. Once you add more Interests or Categories, remember to put them in your menu as well. You’ll find that under Appearance.
  • In the Plugins menu, there are other tools that you can add to your website. But don’t keep them unless you use them, because every plugin slows your website down a little bit.  After you get good at using the basic WordPress tools, and you’ve written a few dozen posts, you can upgrade your account to have access to more tools.
  • Most of the content on your website will be posts, but you can also publish pages. You use pages for things that will never (or very seldom) change. If you make a page, don’t forget to add it to your menu.
  • Images can make your website more fun. Sometimes it’s easy to pick an image. Just take a picture of what you are writing about. But remember that if you use an image off the internet that you should have permission to use it. You can get images like that from Google or Flickr. Those links go to the sections of Google and Flickr image search where people put images for other people to use.

By the way, you should probably make it so that other people can’t see this post. There’s a lot of advice here, so rather than delete it, do one of these things: Change it’s Status from “Published” to “Draft”. Then it will be available to you in the admin section of your website, but people who visit your site won’t see it. Or, you could change the Visibility from “Public” to “Private”. If you do that, then you’ll still see it on your website (if you are logged in), but other people will not.